Intentional Thinking
Once in a while now I'm sad, mostly I'm just blah.
Sometimes when I'm not busy my mind brings up memories of my dad, maybe in an attempt to preserve them knowing I won't be making any new memories with him. 🙁
But I've spent a fair amount of time remembering this week & sometimes I need a little break. So I became intentional about my thoughts. I have control over what I think about! 🤩
What would I like to think about?! Then I remembered this morning's text from a friend just checking in & it feels good- to be seen & known. As a person & friend & I decide to indulge & recall some fun happy good moments with friends. I intentionally bring up good memories, I remember the details, the sounds, the smiles, the shiny bright energy of connection. I let it all resonate as if it's happening right this moment.
It doesn't compete with the sadness & process of grief, there's room for all the things. But intentionally thinking about good happy memories is a gift we can give ourselves not to distract from more challenging feelings but to balance it all.
#grief #lifecoach #greenvillesc #lifecoaching #theadultchair #greenville #selflove #healingjourney #igotyou #letsgrow #itsjustconversation #letitflow #feelyourfeelings #giveitatry #virtuallifecoach